With domestic transportation of renewable liquids, crude oil, and refined liquids on the rise, the industry requires metering solutions that are both highly accurate and cost effective.
Brodie solutions optimize operations through increased equipment availability, industry leading meter accuracy, repeatability, and linear flow control.
Improving loading/unloading efficiency through greater turn-down and better low-flow control during shutdown will help maximize facility throughput and improve safety.
The positive displacement flowmeter BiRotor Plus in combination with the digital control valve BV88 are the main choice in loading/unloading applications worldwide, either as components or as part of a modular or skid solution.

Transfer Pipeline Metering
Custody transfer is the core application solving complex accounting issues resulting from the transfer of ownership of assets.
These issues mandate extremely accurate and repeatable measurements for true allocation of revenues and costs between participating entities.
Brodie addresses these critical requirements through a portfolio of high-precision Fiscal Measurement and Control Solutions.
Brodie’s custody transfer solutions provide industry leading accuracy and reliability through the BiRotor Plus series of positive displacement flowmeters and integrated measurement systems.

Brodie’s blending systems are engineered to meet all specifications, they are flexible in design, and offer a wide selection of components that integrate seamlessly into existing facilities.
The blending solutions are designed to provide transfer of blended products in ratios ranging from 1% to 99% while remaining fully compliant with all local and federal mandates for blended products.
Skids are modular, self-contained, safe, and an efficient solution for blending of multiple products.

Marine Measurement
Brodie provides proven marine metering solutions for both inland and coastal operations, designed to enhance the integrity, security, and efficiency of fuel measurement.
The accuracy of the positive displacement flowmeter BiRotor Plus ensures vessel operators receive reliable and consistent fueling.
This reduces bunkering times through wide flow capacity flowmeters and management of multi-viscosity products.

Compact Prover
The Brodie Compact Prover provides high accuracy, rapid operation, and continuous flow for proving a flowmeter in an operational line.
Designed according to API MPMS Chapter 4 standards, the Brodie Compact Prover can be utilized to verify the accuracy of almost any liquid flowmeter type.
Proving is accomplished without interrupting normal flow and without the use of manually operated bypass valves.
The unique design features a piston assembly with an internal poppet valve in conjunction with optical position sensing, hydraulic piston return, pneumatic piston actuation, and modern data processing techniques.
The result is a complete packaged proving system, significantly reduced in size, weight, and cost that ensures accurate and repeatable proving performance.